PRSA: Economic Issues

Public relation professionals are tasked with making economic decisions that could potentially affect millions of people. The ever-changing world we live in can make their job that much more difficult, politically, social and economically. However, a PR professional must be concerned with more than just money or taxes, but health care, education, the environment and maybe most importantly, individuals and their families.

One major issue the PRSA has dealt with over time deals with crossing international borders. While language differences would seem to be the initial problem here, the perception of a nation can also play a major roll. It is the duty of the PRSA to make sure that other countries and nations perceive the United States in the right light, or at least the light that will most greatly benefit the United States. If the United States in cast in a positive light while being open about the past, positive or negative, the PRSA has done its job. This can lead to stronger U.S. foreign policy objectives and an overall cleaner line of communication.


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