Using Big Data to focus the audience

The key is to not overthink the data that you acquire. Envision that you are telling a story with the information you decipher, answer: who, what, where, when, and why.

In discovering who is talking about the brand, it allows you to know and understand the different demographics of your audience. What the audience says in the online conversation provides context and can tell us if we are conveying our message about the brand properly. Determining which platform the data is derived from allows you to zoom into where the client should focus their marketing. In this world of immediate information, we need to focus on when the audience is talking about the brand. This pinpoints the highest volume of activity and highlights when to advertise. Finally, understanding why people are talking about the brand can be the most difficult although is important in order to derive meaning from the analysis.  To uncover the motivation or reason of the audience will allow the greatest benefit for promotion of the client’s brand.

When It Comes to Social Data, Tell a Story

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